Amazon aracê Cruise 6D5N

From Manaus to the Janauary Lake

Your journey will start early in the morning with a visit of the Manaus’market. Then, you will board a boat that will take you to the meeting of waters, between the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimões. Both rivers are the source of the Amazon river. Afterward, you will be taken to the Janauary lake to discover the Vitoria Regia, the famous Amazon’ s giant water lilies. Back on board, the boat will follow his way to the Acajatuba lagoon..

The Acajatuba Lagoon

This day would be dedicated to the discovery of the Acajatuba lagoon. You will start with a memorable activity: meeting the Botos, the pink dolphins of the
Amazon. Then you will visit a “Casa de farinha” which is a traditional warehouse of cassava flour, right after you will be able to discover the village and the craftsmen of Acajatuba. The late afternoon will be dedicated to piranha fishing! At nightfall, you will observe the Jacaré which are little caimans living in the Amazon’ s murky waters.

The Anavilhanas Archipelago

This day will be dedicated to the discovery of the  biggest river archipelago of the world: The Anavilhanas. There you will find wonderful islands and lagoons: an amazing spot for a bath !

The Cuieiras River

You will start the third day of this cruise with a boat trip to the river Rio Cuieiras. There you will meet with the local community called the Baré Indians. The village chief will welcome you and make you discover his community. Afterwards you will be canoeing on the clear waters of the Rio Cuieiras. Then for the most adventurous, you will have the option to spend the night right in the heart of the rainforest sleeping in a hammock

The Arara river

You will start the day hiking for about 3 hours right through the heart of the Amazon rainforest. After lunch on the boat, you will have two options depending on the season (dry or wet season). Either a walk towards Arara waterfalls where you will be able to swim. Or sailing on a small boat into an Igapo (word used to describe the immersed forest). Then, you will have the option to spend another night in the rainforest sleeping in a hammock.

Indian Village and Tupé Beach

You will start the last day of this journey with a boat trip to an Indian village where you will attend a performance of  traditional music and dance. After a morning full of thrilling experiences, you will stopover at Tupé beach to spend a relaxing time. Your journey will end with a visit of the Rubber Museum, before going back to Manaus’

Atenção: Este itinerário deve ser usado apenas como guia, e o horário e local de ancoragem para pernoite podem ser alterados devido às condições climáticas e do rio, preferências do grupo e circunstâncias fora de nosso controle.

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Pantanal Pathfinder
CNPJ 26.650.584/0001-34
Cadastur 13.085907.10.0001-4
Cuiabá | Mato Grosso | Brazil
+55 65 99607 8253

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